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Bertogg, A., Dotti Sani, G., Zamberlan, A., & Bashevska. (2025, forthcoming) Housework and Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Gender- and Context-Sensitive Relationship? Acta Sociologica.

Dotti-Sani, G. M., Bertogg, A., Besamusca, J., Yerkes, M. & Zamberlan, A. (2025, forthcoming) To the Fifties and back again: Changes in couples’ breadwinning arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland, Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands. Work, Employment and Society.

Caniglia, B., Zamberlan, A., & Barbieri, P. (2025) The gendered role of occupational characteristics in lifelong singlehood across Italian birth cohorts. Population Studies. [pdf]

Zamberlan, A., Galos, D., Strauß, S. & Hinz, T. (2025) Fairness evaluations of higher education graduates’ earnings: the role of female preference for equality and self-interest. British Journal of Sociology. [pdf]

Zamberlan, A., Gioachin, F., & Barbieri, P. (2024). Hiring intentions at the intersection of gender, parenthood, and social status. A factorial survey experiment in the UK labour market. European Sociological Review, jcae043. [pdf]

Gioachin, F. & Zamberlan, A. (2024). Breaking barriers or persisting traditions? Fertility histories, occupational achievements, and intergenerational mobility of italian women. Sociological Science, 11, 67-90. [pdf]
— covered by Lavoce (in Italian)

Zamberlan, A., & Barbieri, P. (2023). A ‘potential motherhood’ penalty? A longitudinal analysis of the wage gap based on potential fertility in Germany and the United Kingdom. European Sociological Review, 39(6), 920-934. [pdf]

Gritti, D., Gioachin, F., & Zamberlan, A. (2023). The buffer function of wealth in socioemotional responses to Covid‐19 in Italy. Social Inclusion, 11(1). [pdf]

Brini, E., Zamberlan, A., & Barbieri, P. (2022). Culture portability from origin to destination country: The gender division of domestic work among migrants in Italy. Demographic Research, 47, 577-614. [pdf]
— covered by N-IUSSP (in English) and Neodemos (in Italian)

Zamberlan, A., Gioachin, F., & Gritti, D. (2022). Gender inequality in domestic chores over ten months of the UK COVID-19 pandemic. Demographic Research, 46, 565-580. [pdf]

Zamberlan, A., Gioachin, F., & Gritti, D. (2021). Work less, help out more? The persistence of gender inequality in housework and childcare during UK COVID-19. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 73, 100583. [pdf]
— covered by British Politics and Policy at LSE (in English)


Piolatto, M. & Zamberlan, A. How reductions in paid work influence the gender division of unpaid work: a systematic review and meta-analysis.


Zamberlan, A., Gritti, D., Grotti, R., Scherer, S., & Barbieri, P. (2023) Labour market entry and early careers of immigrants in Italy: Finally in but never established?. In Post-school Pathways of Migrant-Origin Youth in Europe (pp. 133-158). Routledge.


Barbieri, P., Brini, E., Cutuli, G., Gioachin, F., Gritti, D., Grotti, R., Minardi, S., Scherer, S., & Zamberlan, A. (2022). L’Università al microscopio: un’indagine sull’origine, le traiettorie ei destini dei laureati dell’Università di Trento. FrancoAngeli, 1-127.